451 research outputs found

    Quantum Multibaker Maps: Extreme Quantum Regime

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    We introduce a family of models for quantum mechanical, one-dimensional random walks, called quantum multibaker maps (QMB). These are Weyl quantizations of the classical multibaker models previously considered by Gaspard, Tasaki and others. Depending on the properties of the phases parametrizing the quantization, we consider only two classes of the QMB maps: uniform and random. Uniform QMB maps are characterized by phases which are the same in every unit cell of the multibaker chain. Random QMB maps have phases that vary randomly from unit cell to unit cell. The eigenstates in the former case are extended while in the latter they are localized. In the uniform case and for large \hbar, analytic solutions can be obtained for the time dependent quantum states for periodic chains and for open chains with absorbing boundary conditions. Steady state solutions and the properties of the relaxation to a steady state for a uniform QMB chain in contact with ``particle'' reservoirs can also be described analytically. The analytical results are consistent with, and confirmed by, results obtained from numerical methods. We report here results for the deep quantum regime (large \hbar) of the uniform QMB, as well as some results for the random QMB. We leave the moderate and small \hbar results as well as further consideration of the other versions of the QMB for further publications.Comment: 17 pages, referee's and editor's comments addresse

    CHANG-ES VII: Magnetic outflows from the Virgo cluster galaxy NGC 4388

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    We investigate the effects of ram pressure on the ordered magnetic field of a galaxy hosting a radio halo and strong nuclear outflows. New radio images in total and polarized intensity of the edge-on Virgo galaxy NGC\,4388 were obtained within the CHANG-ES EVLA project. The unprecedented noise level reached allows us to detect striking new features of the ordered magnetic field. The nuclear outflow extends far into the halo to about 5\,kpc from the center and is spatially correlated with the Hα\rm{H}\alpha and X-ray emission. For the first time, the southern outflow is detected. Above and below both spiral arms we find extended blobs of polarized emission with an ordered field oriented perpendicular to the disk. The synchrotron lifetime of the cosmic ray electrons (CREs) in these regions yields a mean outflow velocity of (270\pm70)\kms, in agreement with a galactic wind scenario. The observed symmetry of the polarized halo features in NGC 4388 excludes a compression of the halo gas by the ram pressure of the intra-cluster medium (ICM). The assumption of equilibrium between the halo pressure and the ICM ram pressure yields an estimate of the ICM density that is consistent with both the ICM density derived from X-ray observations and the recent \textit{Planck} Sunyaev-Zel'dovich measurements. The detection of a faint radio halo around cluster galaxies could thus be used for an estimate of ICM ram pressure

    TKTL1 is overexpressed in a large portion of non-small cell lung cancer specimens

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    In several tumors the transketolase activity, controlled inter alia by enzymes of the pentose phosphate pathway which is an alternative, energy generating reaction-cascade to glycolysis, has been correlated with proliferation. The increase of thiamine-dependant transketolase enzyme reactions is induced especially through upregulated transketolase-like enzyme 1 (TKTL1)-activity; that shows TKTL1 to be a causative enzyme for tumors enhanced, anaerobic glucose degradation. We investigated TKTL1-expression in 88 human, formalin-fixed non-small cell lung cancer tissues and 24 carcinomas of the breast by immunohistochemical stainings applying a 0 to 3 staining-score system (3 = strongest expression). For means of validation we additionally stained 40 NSCLC fixed and paraffin-embedded utilizing the HOPE-technique; showing comparable results to the formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded specimens (not shown). Potential correlations with age, sex, TNM-classification parameters and tumor grading as well as tumor transcription factor 1 (TTF1) and surfactant protein A (SPA) expression were investigated. 40.9% of the analyzed lung tumors expressed TKTL1 weakly (Score 1), 38.6% moderately (score 2) and 17.1% strongly (score 3). 3 tumors were diagnosed TKTL1-negative (3.4%; score 0). All Breast cancer specimen stainings were positive and scored 1: 32%; scored 2: 36%; scored 3: 32%. Alveolar macrophages and Alveolar Epithelial Cells Type II were also found to be TKTL1-positive

    Medienkompetenz - Tipps zum sicheren Umgang mit digitalen Medien : für Eltern und alle, die mit Kids zu tun haben

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    Jugend und Medien. Nationales Programm zur Förderung von Medienkompetenzen. http://www.jugendundmedien.c

    Zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure in der Außenpolitik: Chancen und Perspektiven von Public Diplomacy

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    Der Fokus dieser Studie liegt auf dem Handeln deutscher zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteure als außenpolitische Akteure. Entsprechend muss mit einer Vielzahl an Begrifflichkeiten gearbeitet werden: Welches Zivilgesellschaftsverständnis herrscht vor und inwiefern können zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure Außenpolitik betreiben? Mithilfe eines netzwerkbasierten Ansatzes von Public Diplomacy wird auch zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteuren eine relevante Funktion in der Außenpolitik eines Staates zugesprochen. Doch mit welchen Herausforderungen werden die Akteure konfrontiert? Die zentralen Fragestellungen der Arbeit sind daher: Inwiefern können deutsche zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure als außenpolitisch handelnde Akteure eingestuft werden? Welche Chancen und welche Hindernisse erfahren zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure, wenn sie als außenpolitische Akteure auftreten? Mit welchen Unterschieden in der Arbeitsweise und dem Begriffsverständnis von Zivilgesellschaft werden die Akteure in ihrer täglichen Arbeit konfrontiert und welche Rückschlüsse lassen sich hieraus ziehen? Als zentrales Ergebnis steht, dass zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure Außenpolitik betreiben, aber die Anerkennung dieser Arbeit von staatlichen Akteuren als zu niedrig angesehen wird. Das Selbstbild und die Fremdwahrnehmung unterscheiden sich hier. In der täglichen Arbeit müssen die Akteure darüber hinaus vielfältige Hindernisse umgehen, die aber nicht aus unterschiedlichen Verständnissen von Zivilgesellschaftskonzeption stammen, sondern praktischer Natur sind, wie der Partnerakquise im Ausland

    El Maestro y El Auriga : una propuesta para la enseñanza de la comprensión lectora basada en la autorregulación

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    Lograr que los estudiantes aprendan a aprender es uno de los retos más grandes a los que se enfrenta un profesor. Con esta investigación se busca dar cuenta de las diferentes aproximaciones que se pueden tener en el momento de mediar a un estudiante para que él identifique sus procesos cognitivos y pueda desarrollar estrategias de autorregulación. La investigación no busca cuantificar resultados, sino que analizará la narrativa de los estudiantes antes y después de la intervención con ánimos de comprender si las estrategias de mediación ayudaron a que los estudiantes identifiquen sus estrategias de autorregulación. El trabajo de campo se desarrolló con dos grupos del grado noveno del Colegio Campoalegre ubicado en Sopó, Colombia. Uno de los grupos era integrado por Noveno A (14 estudiantes) y Noveno B (16 estudiantes). Se trabajó con los grupos durante cuatro meses y con una frecuencia de una sesión semanal. Los instrumentos para la recolección de datos y el análisis de datos fueron determinados por una metodología narrativa, porque no consideramos que la naturaleza de la investigación y de categorías como la comprensión lectora, la mediación y la autorregulación, se deban entender desde una metodología cuantitativa que señala la solución a un problema porque el estudiante logre dar los resultados esperados. La investigación fue dividida en cinco fases que nos permitieron la recolección, por medio de entrevistas, grupos focales y talleres. El presente estudio basa sus resultados y conclusiones en los resultados finales de la investigación.Teaching the students to learn how they learn is one of the biggest challenges that a teacher has to face. The purpose of this investigation if to explain different approximations of how, when it comes to mediating a student, he/she can identify his cognitive processes and, hence, develop strategies to auto-regulate the process. The investigation does not quantify results, it analyzes what students say both before and after the intervention in order to be able to understand if the mediation strategies helped the students identify their own strategies for cognitive auto-regulation. The interventions was made with students from the ninth grade for Colegio Campoalegre in which the investigators and the students met once a week.Magíster en EducaciónMaestrí

    Linearity and Uniqueness: An Entente Cordiale

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    Substructural type systems are growing in popularity because they allow for a resourceful interpretation of data which can be used to rule out various software bugs. Indeed, substructurality is finally taking hold in modern programming; Haskell now has linear types roughly based on Girard’s linear logic but integrated via graded function arrows, Clean has uniqueness types designed to ensure that values have at most a single reference to them, and Rust has an intricate ownership system for guaranteeing memory safety. But despite this broad range of resourceful type systems, there is comparatively little understanding of their relative strengths and weaknesses or whether their underlying frameworks can be unified. There is often confusion about whether linearity and uniqueness are essentially the same, or are instead ‘dual’ to one another, or somewhere in between. This paper formalises the relationship between these two well-studied but rarely contrasted ideas, building on two distinct bodies of literature, showing that it is possible and advantageous to have both linear and unique types in the same type system. We study the guarantees of the resulting system and provide a practical implementation in the graded modal setting of the Granule language, adding a third kind of modality alongside coeffect and effect modalities. We then demonstrate via a benchmark that our implementation benefits from expected efficiency gains enabled by adding uniqueness to a language that already has a linear basis

    On the significance of Surfactant Protein-A within the human lungs

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    Surfactant Protein-A (SP-A) is the most prominent among four proteins in the pulmonary surfactant-system. SP-A is expressed by alveolar epithelial cells type II as well as by a portion of non small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLC)

    Deep Thermal Imaging: Proximate Material Type Recognition in the Wild through Deep Learning of Spatial Surface Temperature Patterns

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    We introduce Deep Thermal Imaging, a new approach for close-range automatic recognition of materials to enhance the understanding of people and ubiquitous technologies of their proximal environment. Our approach uses a low-cost mobile thermal camera integrated into a smartphone to capture thermal textures. A deep neural network classifies these textures into material types. This approach works effectively without the need for ambient light sources or direct contact with materials. Furthermore, the use of a deep learning network removes the need to handcraft the set of features for different materials. We evaluated the performance of the system by training it to recognise 32 material types in both indoor and outdoor environments. Our approach produced recognition accuracies above 98% in 14,860 images of 15 indoor materials and above 89% in 26,584 images of 17 outdoor materials. We conclude by discussing its potentials for real-time use in HCI applications and future directions.Comment: Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System